KES | Scale Integration Systems
This is a system that maximizes the good safety of the company which has this system by calculating the entry and exit weights for the transporters visiting the facilities.
One of the most intense tasks experienced in production sites and requiring attention is the weight measurement of the transporters that enter and exit the facilities. With our Scale Integration System (KES), we aim to ease this intensity with accurate data transfer.
The system functions by calculating the loads of the vehicles entering and exiting the facilities with quick and accurate data and transferring them to relevant places.
The process can shortly be described as follows:
- Information about the vehicle and driver is obtained during the entry of the vehicle, and it is brought onto the scale.
- Scale entry weight is recorded.
- The scale can be different for each facility. The scales are included in the system via configuration.
- One company may have more than one facility. The scale system aims to manage all together.
- After the related procedures (delivery or loading of goods from the facility), the exit weight is calculated, and the difference in between is presented to the user’s knowledge.
- If there is a problem, the user is informed about it.
- The system can work without internet connection.
- When internet connection is available, data are transferred from the local warehouse to the central warehouse, and data loss is eliminated.